Why choosing one market over another?
Why a particular preference of a state, district or a city?
We consider demography, customer preferences, local market competitions and lots of other factors before taking this call.
It demands brief or detailed market research before deciding on new market locations.
The concept of 'desa' in 'desa-kala-patra' or 'sthans' for that matter in 'sthans-kala-patra' in the Indian astrological system are significant putting into the perspective based on what factors can be controlled while helping them make the best decision to meet goals that work in harmony with these elements.
Here 'desa' or 'sthana' refers to place or location and it's importance is hugely significant.
Similarly, 'kala' refers to the significance of time to launch the business in the new market, as time is very critical especially in the education business.
Similarly, 'patra' refers to the target audience who we've been considering for our B2C or B2B marketing. Creative the target audience profile shall be very critical as our rest of the strategies and the communication design shall be based on it.