People Handshaking

Distribution strategy

We consider a lot of factors before creating a blue print. The possible ways can be:
1.  Direct Distribution
2.  Indirect Distribution

  • Distributor/Wholeseller

  • Retailer/Reseller

  • Franchising/Licensing

  • Affiliate network

Types of distribution channel
Intensive distributionSelective distributionExclusive distribution

Types of marketing
Pull marketing | Push MarketingInbound & Outbound Marketing

Identifying the New Market Location

Why choosing one market over another?
Why a particular preference of a state, district or a city?
We consider demography, customer preferences, local market competitions and lots of other factors before taking this call.
It demands brief or detailed market research before deciding on new market locations.

The concept of 'desa' in 'desa-kala-patra' or 'sthans' for that matter in 'sthans-kala-patra' in the Indian astrological system are significant putting into the perspective based on what factors can be controlled while helping them make the best decision to meet goals that work in harmony with these elements.

Here 'desa' or 'sthana' refers to place or location and it's importance is hugely significant.

Similarly, 'kala' refers to the significance of time to launch the business in the new market, as time is very critical especially in the education business.

Similarly, 'patra' refers to the target audience who we've been considering for our B2C or B2B marketing. Creative the target audience profile shall be very critical as our rest of the strategies and the communication design shall be based on it.


Balancing the long-term viability with the short-term stability

While working on an expansion plan or a growth strategy, an unexpected crisis can be a huge blow, especially if you haven't planned for adverse market conditions. It's natural to go into survival mode, doing what you can to stay afloat, but then it becomes about existing rather than thriving.

Our comprehensive business strategy includes the core areas like cashflow forecasting and cashflow management, including all the major functions that shall take care of growth and expansion.


Crafting a win-win partnership model

This is very critical to a success of any partnership model or a business model. With our long experience in the education space and having handled many complex situations and adversities in the past, we have developed this proficiency.

Before we start creating any model, we fundamentally have answers to

  1. Why did you partner with them, or they partner with you?

  2. See commonality and the shared vision.

  3. Treat the relationship as long-term, and not just as one deal.

  4. Handling contingencies


Drafting a killer partnership proposal

Like any great piece of writing, a business proposal should tell a story.

A proposal for all new business partnerships should include:

  • The hook, or an overview of key mutual benefits

  • The problem and the benefit

  • The shared values highlighted

  • The clear goals and expected outcomes

While we have them all for you, we would also include things like expected ROI, the proposed division of tasks, and protocols for handling conflicts.
It's significant to note that this proposal shall also look and feel very professional apart from it's draft.
Our partner agency 'DZYNFOX'  shall help you create the high-quality and present a great overall experience.
Video presentations are in trends and can also be created if required.


Drafting a licensing agreement

Though it's a legal document and the scope is beyond our professional
expertise, we have sufficient experience in executing such agreements and can
contribute with our knowledge towards making of a draft
that's highly realistic and efficacious.
They are in-fact more proven based on our tried & tested knowledge.
However, we seek support of our legal advisors in the creation of this document.


Preparing the Go-To-Market Messaging Framework

This is high-level function and the overall objective is to create a great
customer experience. Believe, a typical B2B message is very different from
the B2C communication.
In case of a partnership based distributions,
we need to be ready with both.


As experts of Business Format Franchising

Having been operating in the education & learning space for so many years, we've mastered the art of Business Format Franchising.

All we need are:

  1.  A niche service: The world is already crowded with one-stop shop and all-in-one stores. Having something distinctive becomes an advantage.

  2.  Widespread demand: Your education programs or services must b very popular and a lot of people to want it.

  3.  Simple & effective systems: Transferability of process is the key to this format.

  4.  Vision & plan: Big-picture thinking is critical to understanding what is possible in the present and in the future.


Get your franchisability check now.

If you're looking for an expansion, let's do a fast franchisability check.

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Rate on a scale of 5


How much is your credibility in terms of size, reputation, longevity and financial stability?


Does your services have a unique differentiation to create it a distinct service?


Does your service have enough market demand to sustain on its own? How's the competition in the business?


How easy is it to transfer the skills to someone remotely?


How much are your services adaptable to different geographical territories and are not-limited with language issues?


Did you ever try prototyping the operations and how much have you been successful in it?


How easy is it to document all the systems & processes and scale up the business model to n number of locations simultaneously?


How much affordable are your services to other cities across India? Do you also feel that your business plan shall also be affordable to your prospective partners?


Rate the quickness of Return on investments of your business plan for your potential partners.


How much is the capital requirement
5 points in case it's less than 2 lacs
4 points in case it's between 2 to 5 lacs
3 points in case it's between 5 to 10 lacs
2 points in case it's between 10 to 20 lacs
1 points in case it's over 20 lacs


Your commitment to keep your partners intact under adverse circumstances and how much do you value relationships?


Strength of your management team to handle partner support.